We found 4950 actual water levels for TAIWAN.

Only the first 500 are shown.

TAIWAN - [ ]

Station Water bodyWater levelFlowMap
07號閘門監測站 7號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 07 Gate Monitoring Station No. 7 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 1 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) -516 cm
07號閘門監測站 7號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 07 Gate Monitoring Station No. 7 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 2 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 1656 cm
101號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 101 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 2 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 73 cm
101號閘門監測站 外水位 (Water Level Outside Gate 101 Monitoring Station) 1 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 228 cm
103號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 103 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 1 Gate (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 492.56 cm
103號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 103 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
103號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 103 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 2 (Cm)) 2 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 490.5 cm
103號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 103 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
103號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 103 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 5 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 87 cm
103號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 103 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 6 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) -157 cm
107p001土庫西平里山子腳 (107p001 Turku Xipingli Shanzijiao) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107p002虎尾西安里文化路 (107p002 Huwei Xi'anli Wenhua Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107p004斗南信義育幼院 (107p004 Dounan Xinyi Kindergarten) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107p006口湖蚵寮村箔子寮 (107p006 Faziliao, Oyster Village, Kouhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107p007水林松中村蔦松 (107p007 Shuilin Song Nakamura Tsuta Pine) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q001溪口美南村天赦 (107q001 Xikou Meinan Village Tianshe) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q002新港南崙村溪底寮 (107q002xidiliao, Nanlun Village, Xingang) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q003民雄交流道 (107q003 Minxiong Interchange) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q007朴子竹村里鴨母寮 (107q007 Ya Mu Liao In Pu Zizhu Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q008朴子竹村里過埤子 (107q008puzizhu Village Passing Peizi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q009東石西崙里栗仔崙 (107q009 Li Zailun In Dongshi Xilun) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q011布袋考試里鹿寮 (107q011 Luliao In The Bag Examination) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
107q012義竹北華村北華 (107q012 Beihua, Beihua Village, Yizhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108d002北門錦湖里錦湖國小 (108d002 Kumho Elementary School, Kumho Lane, North Gate) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108d003鹽水汫水里汫水港堤防 (108d003 Yanshuishui Port Embankment) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108d004柳篤農里龜重溪重溪橋左岸 (108d004 Left Bank Of Chongxi Bridge, Guichongxi, Liudu, Nongli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108i003西區紅瓦里重慶二街附近 (108i003 Near Chongqing Second Street, Hongwali, West District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108i004西區紅瓦里重慶六街附近 (108i004 Near Chongqing Sixth Street, Hongwari, West District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p001麥寮麥津村麥寮國小 (108p001 Mailiao Elementary School, Maijin Village, Mailiao) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p004台西永豐村明德寺 (108p004 Mingde Temple, Yongfeng Village, Taixi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p005台西五港村五條港霍安宮 (108p005 Huoan Temple, Wutiao Port, Wugang Village, Taixi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p007虎尾安慶里民主十路 (108p007 Huwei Anqingli Democracy 10th Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p008台西台西村台西國小 (108p008 Taixi Elementary School, Taixi Village, Taixi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p009褒忠中民村私立三和老人照顧中心 (108p009 Baozhong Zhongmin Village Private Sanhe Elderly Care Center) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p012褒忠馬鳴村佳宏寵物畜牧場 (108p012 Baozhong Maming Village Jiahong Pet Farm) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p013褒忠中勝村文昌帝君廟 (108p013 Baozhong Zhongsheng Village Wenchang Emperor Temple) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p014元長後湖村包千宮 (108p014 Bao Qian Palace, Houhu Village, Yuanchang) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p015土庫崙內里昇嶠博美犬舍 (108p015 Tukulon Neili Shengqiao Pomeranian Kennel) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p017斗南東明里台灣中油佳得美雲林站 (108p017 Dounan Dongmingli Taiwan Petrochina Jiademei Yunlin Station) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p020土庫大荖里舊虎尾溪 (108p020 Old Huwei Creek In Tukudalioli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p023土庫埤腳里霹靂布袋戲 (108p023 Tukupi Foot Puppet Puppet Show) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p024斗南東仁里川和食品 (108p024 Dounan Dong Renli Sichuan Food) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p025土庫埤腳里福安宮三山國王廟 (108p025 Tukupizuoli Fu'an Palace Sanshan King Temple) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p026大埤豐田村太豐汽車保養廠 (108p026 Taifeng Car Maintenance Factory In Toyota Village, Dapi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p027大埤吉田村仁和國小 (108p027 Renhe Elementary School, Yoshida Village, Dapi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p030四湖崙南村太安宮 (108p030 Tai'an Palace, Lunnan Village, Sihu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p031元長潭東村辦公處 (108p031 Yuanchangtan East Village Office) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p032四湖溪底村東光國小 (108p032 Dongguang Elementary School, Xidi Village, Sihu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p037四湖泊東村普天宮 (108p037 Putian Temple In Sihu East Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p038元長下寮村7-Eleven 元東門市 (108p038 Yuanchangxialiao Village 7-Eleven Yuandong Store) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p039元長內寮村元帥廟 (108p039 Yuanchang Neiliao Village Marshal Temple) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p040元長內寮村侯氏實業有限公司 (108p040 Yuan Chang Nei Lao Village Houshi Industrial Co., Ltd.) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p041口湖埔北村善德爺 (108p041 Shan Deye, Kouhupu North Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p045口湖湖東村富安宮 (108p045 Fu'an Palace, Hudong Village, Kouhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p047口湖謝厝村蘇水尾 (108p047 Su Shuiwei, Xiecuo Village, Kouhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p050水林水北村通天府 (108p050 Tongtian Mansion, Shuibei Village, Shuilin) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p051水林尖山村元天宮 (108p051 Yuantian Temple, Jianshan Village, Shuilin) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p052口湖台子村 (108p052 Kouhutaizi Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p053口湖成龍集會所 (108p053 Kouhu Jackie Chan Assembly Hall) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p055北港水埔里 (108p055 Beigang Shuipuli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p056口湖梧北村調天府 (108p056 Tiaotianfu, Wubei Village, Kouhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p058口湖後厝村華鄉民宿 (108p058 Hua Xiang B&b In Houcuo Village, Kouhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p059水林蕃薯村東公廟 (108p059 Dongfang Temple, Shuilin Fanshu Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108p061口湖水井村 (108p061 Kouhu Shuijing Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q003溪口林腳村田心仔寶太殿 (108q003 Tian Xin Zai Baotai Hall, Linjiao Village, Xikou) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q005溪口柳溝村南靖厝 (108q005 Nanjing House, Liugou Village, Xikou) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q007民雄福權村中油民雄交流道站 (108q007 Minxiong Fuquan Village Zhongyou Minxiong Interchange Station) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q008新港南港村稻草倉庫 (108q008 Xingang Nangang Village Straw Warehouse) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q011六腳港美村查天宮 (108q011 Six-Legged Port Meicun Chaten Palace) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q012六腳港美村六腳大排水溝 (108q012 Six-Legged Gangmeicun Six-Legged Large Drainage Ditch) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q013六腳港美村六腳鄉立幼兒園 (108q013 Liujiao Village Liujiao Rural Kindergarten) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q016新港中洋村萬仁公廟 (108q016 Wanren Gong Temple, Zhongyang Village, Xingang) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q019東石港口村蚶子寮 (108q019 Dongshi Harbor Village Clam House) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q021六腳灣南村娘媽堂 (108q021 Liujiaowan Nancun Mother’s Hall) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q022六腳古林村古林 (108q022 Six-Legged Ancient Forest Village Ancient Forest) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q023東石下揖村警察局朴子分局下揖派出所 (108q023xiayi Police Station, Puzi Branch, Xiayi Village Police Station, Dongshi) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q025太保新埤里新埤富林漢堡 (108q025 Cpic Xinpili Xinpi Fulin Burger) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q026六腳正義村 (108q026 Six-Legged Justice Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q027太保後庄里 (108q027 Cpic Houzhuangli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q031朴子大鄉里萬萬發公司 (108q031 Puzi Daxiangli Wanwanfa Company) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q032中埔和美村永祥汽車保養廠 (108q032 Zhongpu Hemeicun Yongxiang Car Maintenance Factory) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q033鹿草豐稠村鹿草焚化爐 (108q033 Lucao Fengchou Village Lucao Incinerator) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q035朴子崁後里 (108q035 Pu Zikan Houli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q042朴子順安里161縣道 (108q042 Puzi Shun'anli County Road 161) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q043東石掌潭村白水湖 (108q043 Baishui Lake, East Shizhangtan Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q047水上靖和村 (108q047 Jinghe Village On The Water) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q048朴子南竹里南勢竹天主堂 (108q048 Puzi Nanzhuli Nanshizhu Catholic Church) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q049鹿草鹿草村新安宮 (108q049 Xin'an Temple, Lucao Village, Lucao) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q051鹿草三角村1 (108q051 Lucao Triangle Village 1) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q053布袋興中里布袋漁港 (108q053 Budai Xingzhongli Budai Fishing Port) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q054義竹義竹村竹禪寺 (108q054 Yi Zhu Yi Zhu Cun Zhu Zen Temple) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q055義竹新店村小超峰寺 (108q055 Xiaochaofeng Temple, Xindian Village, Yizhu) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q056太保市梅埔里辦公處 (108q056 Taibao City Meipuli Office) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q061水上三和村北回國小 (108q061 Shuangshui Sanhe Village North Elementary School) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q062布袋鎮貴舍里辦公處 (108q062 Guisheli Office, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q063布袋鎮復興里新塭嘉應廟 (108q063 Xinxiao Jiaying Temple, Fuxingli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q064布袋鎮菜舖里大眾爺廟 (108q064 Dazhongye Temple In The Vegetable Shop Of Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q067朴子市崁前里竹村國小 (108q067 Zhucun Elementary School, Kanqianli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q070東石鄉西崙村靈慈宮 (108q070 Lingci Palace, Xilun Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q071東石鄉下揖村農會下揖辦事處 (108q071 Dongshi Township Farmers Association Xiayi Office) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q072梅山鄉梅東村萬應廟 (108q072 Wanying Temple, Meidong Village, Meishan Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q073鹿草鄉三角村2 (108q073 Triangle Village, Lucao Township 2) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q074鹿草鄉豐稠村明安宮 (108q074 Ming'an Palace, Fengchou Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
108q077溪口鄉林腳村鎮亨宮 (108q077 Heng Palace, Linjiao Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
109d001白河河東里西勢尾 (109d001 Baihe River East And West Shiwei) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
109p001褒忠有才村西北側 (109p001 Northwest Side Of Baozhong Youcai Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
109p002 褒忠有才村在地滯洪 (109p002 Baozhong Youcai Village On-Site Flood Detention) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
109q001 朴子安福里狀元社區(雙溪口排水旁) (109q001 Puzi Anfuli Zhuangyuan Community (Next To Shuangxikou Drainage)) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(10) 鹽埕區 公園二路與真愛路口 ((10) Intersection Of Gongyuan 2nd Road And Zhenai Road, Yancheng District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
110p001元長潭東村禾耕豐農產加工 (110p001 Hegenfeng Agricultural Products Processing In East Village, Yuanchangtan) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
110p002元長潭東村埔仔尾 (110p002 Pu Tsai Mei, East Village, Yuen Cheung Tam) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
110p003北港農工 (110p003 Beigang Agricultural And Industrial) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
111p002斗六天下第一家 (111p002 Douliu Is The First Store In The World) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
111q002東石過溝國中 (111q002 Dongshi Guogou Junior High School) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
111q003太保埤鄉里 (111q003 Taibao Pi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(11) 鹽埕區 莒光街95巷93號 ((11) No. 93, Lane 95, Juguang Street, Yancheng District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(13) 左營區 新莊一路與新南街 ((13) Zuoying District Xinzhuang 1st Road And Xinnan Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(14) 楠梓區 右昌街與中泰街交叉口 ((14) Nanzi District Intersection Of Youchang Street And Zhongtai Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(15) 楠梓區 中泰街55號 ((15) No. 55, Zhongtai Street, Nanzi District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(17) 楠梓區 德中路與大學南路交叉口 ((17) Nanzi District Intersection Of Dezhong Road And University South Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
186縣道-大高雄工業區 (County Road 186-Greater Kaohsiung Industrial Zone) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(18) 燕巢區 海成街和海城南街路口 ((18) Yanchao District Intersection Of Haicheng Street And Haicheng South Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(19) 岡山區 魚市場 ((19) Okayama District Fish Market) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
1-南投草屯北投里碧興路二段 (1-Section 2, Bixing Road, Beitou, Caotun, Nantou) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
1號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 1 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 1 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 126 cm
1號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 1 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 2 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 25 cm
(1) 鳳山區 新富路與大明街口 ((1) Intersection Of Xinfu Road And Daming Street, Fengshan District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(20) 永安區 復興路 ((20) Fuxing Road, Yongan District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 1 (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 8 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 2 (Cm)) 6 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 12 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 13 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 9 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 251.25 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 8375 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 5 (Cm)) 2 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 208.28 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 5 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 10 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 6943 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 26 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 6 (Cm)) 14 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) -125 cm
26號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 6 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 0 cm
26號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 5 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) -12 cm
26號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 26 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 11 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) -147 cm
2-南投埔里向善里觀音路34號 (2-No. 34, Guanyin Road, Xiangshan Lane, Puli, Nantou) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(2) 鳳山區 文聖路與中山西路口 ((2) Fengshan District Intersection Of Wensheng Road And Zhongshan West Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 1 Gate (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 423.31 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 5 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 37 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 2 (Cm)) 9 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 426.09 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 8 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 37 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 6 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 174.09 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 10 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5803 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 37 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 175.5 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 2 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5850 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 37 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 5 (Cm)) 4 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 174.16 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 5 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 11 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5805 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 37 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 6 (Cm)) 13 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 174.62 cm
37號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 6 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 14 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5821 cm
37號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 12 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 160 cm
37號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 37 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 3 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 268 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 1 Gate (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 45.06 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 2 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1502 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 2 Gate (Cm)) 5 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 0.16 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 3 Gate (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 33.62 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 9 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1121 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 38 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 4 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 3.09 cm
38號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 6 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 103 cm
38號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 10 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 134 cm
38號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 38 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 8 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 140 cm
39號二仁溪橋-Nb -水位 (No. 39 Erren River Bridge-Nb -Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 二仁溪 (Errenxi) 155.6 cm
39號二仁溪橋 .水位 (No. 39 Erren River Bridge. Water Level) 2 水位 (Water Level) 二仁溪 (Errenxi) 158 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 1 Gate (Cm)) 2 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 111.94 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 1 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 3731 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 39 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 2 (Cm)) 3 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 70.59 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 10 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2353 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 39 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 94.22 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 6 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 3141 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 39 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 8 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 103.78 cm
39號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 5 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 3459 cm
39號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 4 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) -30 cm
39號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 39 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 9 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) -109 cm
3-南投市漳興里華陽路至貓羅溪環河道路間 (3-Between Huayang Road And Maoluoxi Huanhe Road, Zhangxingli, Nantou City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(3) 鳳山區 文昌路與文化路口 ((3) Intersection Of Wenchang Road And Wenhua Road, Fengshan District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 1 Gate (Cm)) 4 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 10 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 43 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 2 (Cm)) 8 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 1 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
43號閘門監測站 .3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 43 Monitoring Station. Absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 5 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 2 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
43號閘門監測站 .4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 43 Monitoring Station. Absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 6 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 497.88 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
43號閘門監測站 .5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 43 Monitoring Station. Gate 5 Absolute Opening (Cm)) 9 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 440.16 cm
43號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 5 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 12 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
43號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 11 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 47 cm
43號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 43 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 7 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 91 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..10號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 10 (Cm)) 6 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 445.72 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..10號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 10 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 11 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..11號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 11 (Cm)) 18 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 444.66 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..11號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 11 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 15 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 1 (Cm)) 10 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 2 (Cm)) 5 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 17 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 13 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 8.38 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 22 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 279 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 20 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 5 (Cm)) 24 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (Gate 44 Monitoring Station ..gate No. 5 Opening (Percentage)) 8 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 6 (Cm)) 14 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 6 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 23 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 7 (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 496.03 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 7 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 21 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 8 (Cm)) 19 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 0.03 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 8 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 16 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..9號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 44 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 9 (Cm)) 12 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 500 cm
44號閘門監測站 ..9號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 9 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 9 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
44號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 2 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 15 cm
44號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 44 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 3 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) -12 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..10號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 10 (Cm)) 6 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 29.91 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..10號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 10 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 15 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 997 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..11號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 11 (Cm)) 8 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 43.72 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..11號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 11 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1457 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 1 (Cm)) 21 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 57.81 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1927 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate 2 (Cm)) 2 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 57.47 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 10 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1916 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 5 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 58.5 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 17 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1950 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 13 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 0 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 12 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 0 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 5 (Cm)) 22 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 55.12 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 5 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 19 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1838 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 6 (Cm)) 11 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 66.47 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 6 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 24 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2216 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 7 (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 40.59 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 7 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 9 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1353 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 8 (Cm)) 18 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 56.72 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 8 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 23 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1891 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..9號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 47 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 9 (Cm)) 16 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 35.84 cm
47號閘門監測站 ..9號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 9 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 20 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 1195 cm
47號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 14 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) -128 cm
47號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 47 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 7 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) -32 cm
4-南投市三和里縣議會前中興路及美芳路口 (4-The Intersection Of Zhongxing Road And Meifang Road In Front Of Sanheli County Assembly, Nantou City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 1 (Cm)) 2 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 93.56 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 8 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 3119 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 2 (Cm)) 18 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 93.44 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 14 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 3115 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 15 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 89.19 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 16 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2973 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 4 (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 73.81 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..4號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 4 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 6 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2460 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 5 (Cm)) 10 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 80.03 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..5號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 5 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 5 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2668 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 6 (Cm)) 9 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 78.03 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..6號閘門開度(百分比) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station. Gate No. 6 Opening (Percentage)) 13 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2601 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 7 (Cm)) 17 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 78.53 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..7號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 7 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 11 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2618 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 8 (Cm)) 12 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 66.16 cm
4號閘門監測站 ..8號閘門開度(百分比) (Gate No. 4 Monitoring Station. Gate No. 8 Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 2205 cm
4號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 3 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 95 cm
4號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 4 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 7 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 105 cm
(4) 鳳山區 建國路三段55巷口 ((4) Entrance To Lane 55, Section 3, Jianguo Road, Fengshan District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(5) 三民區 九如一路與九如一路214巷口 ((5) Intersection Of Jiuru 1st Road And Jiuru 1st Lane 214, Sanmin District) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
5-南投縣草屯鎮中正路344-37號 (5-No. 344-37, Zhongzheng Road, Caotun Town, Nantou County) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
6-M1-南投南埔路排水支線與隘寮溪匯流口 (6-M1-The Confluence Of The Drainage Branch Line Of Nanpu Road In Nantou And The Ailiao River) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(6) 三民區 黃興路455巷與皓東路246巷 ((6) Sanmin District, Lane 455, Huangxing Road And Lane 246, Haodong Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
6號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 6 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 2 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 237 cm
6號閘門監測站 外水位 (Water Level Outside Gate 6 Monitoring Station) 1 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 62 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 76 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 1 (Cm)) 5 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 178.62 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..1號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station..no. 1 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 3 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 5954 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門絕對開度(公分) (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of No. 2 Gate (Cm)) 7 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) -125 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..2號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 2 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 6 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 0 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門絕對開度(公分) (Gate No. 76 Monitoring Station..absolute Opening Of Gate No. 3 (Cm)) 1 閘門絕對開度 (Gate Absolute Opening) 498.84 cm
76號閘門監測站 ..3號閘門開度(百分比) (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station.. No. 3 Gate Opening (Percentage)) 4 In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 10000 cm
76號閘門監測站 內水位 (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station Internal Water Level) 2 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 116 cm
76號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 76 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 8 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 155 cm
7-M1-南投青宅溝排水支線與隘寮溪匯流口 (7-M1-The Confluence Of Nantou Qingzhaigou Drainage Branch Line And Ailiao River) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(7) 三民區 延慶街與堯山街129巷 ((7) Sanmin District Yanqing Street And Lane 129 Yaoshan Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
83號閘門監測站 外水位 (No. 83 Gate Monitoring Station External Water Level) 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 470 cm
88橋下游處 水位 (Water Level) 高屏溪 (Gaoping River) 972 cm
8-南投南龍排水與樟平溪匯流 (8-Confluence Of Nantou Nanlong Drainage And Zhangping Creek) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
(9) 前鎮區 擴建路遠東abc大樓前 ((9) Qianzhen District In Front Of The Far East Abc Building On Yanchang Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
9-南投縣東山路排水與貓羅溪匯流口 (9-The Confluence Of Dongshan Road Drainage And Maoluo Creek In Nantou County) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
A10出口(匯入照安溪) 水位 (A10 Exit (Merges Into Zhaoan River) Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 冬山河 (Dongshan River) 21.1 cm
B16出口匯入北門溪 水位 (Exit B16 Merges Into Beimen Creek Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 56.1 cm
Bh01 廍後第二中排水門1號閘門 (Bh01 No. 1 Gate Of The No. 2 Middle Drainage Gate Of Xianhou) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 0 cm
Bh02 廍後第二中排水門2號閘門 (Bh02 Gate No. 2 Of The Second Middle Drainage Gate Of Xianhou) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 0 cm
Bw01 廍後第二中排水門內水位 (Bw01 Water Level Inside The Second Middle Drainage Door) 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 33 cm
Bw02 廍後第二中排水門外水位 (Bw02 Water Level Outside The Second Middle Drainage Door) 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 12 cm
Cyc001 布袋鎮江山里 (Cyc001 Budai Town Jiangshanli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc002 布袋鎮東港里埔仔厝a站 (Cyc002 Station A, Puzai House, Donggang, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc003 布袋鎮東港里埔仔厝b站 (Cyc003 Station B, Puzaicuo, Donggang, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc004 布袋鎮東港里前東港 (Cyc004 Donggang, Donggang, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc005 布袋鎮岑海里b站 (Cyc005 Station B, Cenhaili, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc006 布袋鎮振寮里後壁寮a站 (Cyc006 Station A, Houbiliao, Zhenliao, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc007 布袋鎮振寮里後壁寮b站 (Cyc007 Station B, Houbiliao, Zhenliao, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc008 布袋鎮見龍里內田 (Cyc008 Budai Town Miyuri Uchida) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc009 布袋鎮龍江里新厝仔 (Cyc009 New House In Longjiang, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc010 布袋鎮新厝里新厝仔 (Cyc010 Xincuozi, Xincuoli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc011 布袋鎮光復里 (Cyc011 Guangfuli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc012 布袋鎮光復里東安庄 (Cyc012 Dong'an Village, Guangfuli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc013 布袋鎮岑海里a站 (Cyc013 Station A, Cenhaili, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc014 布袋鎮好美里 (Cyc014 Good Meili, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc015 布袋鎮新民里 (Cyc015 Xinminli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc016 布袋鎮貴舍里貴舍 (Cyc016 Guisheli Guishe, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc017 布袋鎮貴舍里半月 (Cyc017 Half Moon In Guisheli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc018 布袋鎮樹林里 (Cyc018 In The Woods Of Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc019 布袋鎮新岑里郭岑寮 (Cyc019 Guocenliao, Xincenli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc020 布袋鎮過溝西安里 (Cyc020 Budai Town Guogou Xi'anli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc021 布袋鎮過溝中安里 (Cyc021 Budai Town Guogou Zhonganli) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc022 布袋鎮過溝東安里 (Cyc022 Guogou Dong'anli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc023 大林鎮平林里 (Cyc023 Pinglinli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc024 大林鎮西結里陳井寮 (Cyc024 Chenjingliao, Xijieli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc025 新港鄉北崙村 (Cyc025 Beilun Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc026 新港鄉宮前村 (Cyc026 Gongqian Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc027 新港鄉安和村 (Cyc027 Anhe Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc028 朴子市中正里 (Cyc028 Zhongzhengli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc029 朴子市平和里 (Cyc029 Pinghe-Ri, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc030 朴子市佳禾里苦瓜寮 (Cyc030 Bitter Melon House, Jiaheli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc031 朴子市德家里竹子腳 (Cyc031 Bamboo Feet In Dejia, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc032 朴子市德家里吳厝 (Cyc032 Wu House In Dejia, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc033 朴子市新庄里 (Cyc033 Xinzhuangli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc034 朴子市永和里 (Cyc034 Yongheli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc035 東石鄉西崙村磚仔窯 (Cyc035 Brick Kiln, Xilun Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc036 東石鄉塭仔村塭仔 (Cyc036 Yaozai, Yaozai Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc037 東石鄉塭仔村後埔 (Cyc037 Houpu, Yaozai Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc038 東石鄉網寮村網寮 (Cyc038 Dongshixiang Wangliao Village Wangliao) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc039 東石鄉網寮村鹽田寮 (Cyc039 Yantianliao, Wangliao Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc040 東石鄉蔦松村下蔦松 (Cyc040 Xia Zisong, Zisong Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc041 東石鄉港墘村 (Cyc041 Gangqian Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc042 東石鄉圍潭村 (Cyc042 Weitan Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc043 東石鄉洲仔村a站 (Cyc043 Station A, Zhouzai Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc044 東石鄉洲仔村b站 (Cyc044 Station B, Zhouzai Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc045 東石鄉永屯村屯仔頭 (Cyc045 Tunzaitou, Yongtun Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc046 東石鄉海埔村海浦 (Cyc046 Haipu Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc047 東石鄉東崙村中洲 (Cyc047 Zhongzhou, Donglun Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc048 東石鄉龍港村港墘厝 (Cyc048 Harbor House, Longgang Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc049 東石鄉三家村三塊厝 (Cyc049 Sankuaiyao, Sanjia Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc050 水上鄉柳林村 (Cyc050 Liulin Village, Shuishui Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc051 東石鄉頂揖村 (Cyc051 Dingyi Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc052 東石鄉溪下村溪下 (Cyc052 Xixia, Xixia Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc053 東石鄉溪下村農場 (Cyc053 Farm In Xixia Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc054 東石鄉型厝村型厝寮 (Cyc054 Dongshixiang-Type Cuocun-Type Cuoliao) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc055 東石鄉副瀨村副瀨 (Cyc055 Fuze Village, Higashishi Township, Fuze Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc056 東石鄉副瀨村新結庄 (Cyc056 New Village, Fuse Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc057 朴子市大葛里大槺榔社區 (Cyc057 Dajilang Community, Dageli, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc058 太保市安仁里頂港仔墘 (Cyc058 Aberdeen, Anrenliding, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc059 太保市春珠里嘉44太保三塊厝鎮安宮旁 (Cyc059 Beside An Gong, Sankuacuo Town, Taibao City, Chunzhulijia 44, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc060 太保市北新里聖后宮旁 (Cyc060 Next To Shenghou Temple, Beixinli, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc061 六腳鄉工廠村 (Cyc061 Liujiao Township Factory Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc062 水上鄉溪州村 (Cyc062 Xizhou Village, Shuishui Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc063 六腳鄉崩山村 (Cyc063 Bengshan Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc064 六腳鄉六腳村 (Cyc064 Liujiao Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc065 六腳鄉豐美村 (Cyc065 Fengmei Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc066 六腳鄉港美村新店 (Cyc066 Liujiao Township Gangmeicun New Store) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc067 六腳鄉六斗村 (Cyc067 Liudou Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc068 六腳鄉崙陽村 (Cyc068 Lunyang Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc069 六腳鄉灣北村灣內 (Cyc069 Within Beicun Bay, Liujiao Xiangwan) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc070 六腳鄉潭墘村 (Cyc070 Tanqian Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc071 六腳鄉古林村 (Cyc071 Gulin Village, Liujiao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc072 中埔鄉和睦村中華路318巷 (Cyc072 Lane 318, Zhonghua Road, Hemu Village, Zhongpu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc073 水上鄉水上村 (Cyc073 Water Town Water Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc074 水上鄉義興村(Cat-M1)-鎮北宮附近 (Cyc074 Yixing Village, Shuishui Township (Cat-M1)-Near Zhenbeigong) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc075 義竹鄉埤前村埤子頭 (Cyc075 Pizitou, Piqian Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc076 竹崎鄉灣橋村 (Cyc076 Wanqiao Village, Zhuqi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc077 義竹鄉新店村b站 (Cyc077 Station B, Xindian Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc078 義竹鄉北華村a站 (Cyc078 Station A, Beihua Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc079 義竹鄉北華村b站 (Cyc079 Station B, Beihua Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc080 義竹鄉後鎮村後鎮 (Cyc080 Cunhou Town, Hou Town, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc081 義竹鄉龍蛟村 (Cyc081 Longjiao Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc082 溪口鄉游東村 (Cyc082 Youdong Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc083 溪口鄉游西村 (Cyc083 Youxi Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc084 溪口鄉溪北村 (Cyc084 Xibei Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc085 溪口鄉林腳村 (Cyc085 Linjiao Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc086 鹿草鄉豐稠村海豐 (Cyc086 Haifeng, Fengchou Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc087 鹿草鄉松竹村 (Cyc087 Songzhu Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc088 鹿草鄉碧潭村 (Cyc088 Bitan Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc089 鹿草鄉光潭村 (Cyc089 Guangtan Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc090 大林鎮三角里 (Cyc090 Sanjiaoli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc091 民雄鄉西昌村(Cat-M1)-川大商店旁 (Cyc091 Xichang Village, Minxiong Township (Cat-M1)-Next To Sichuan University Store) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc092 民雄鄉菁埔村菁埔 (Cyc092 Jingpu, Jingpu Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc093 民雄鄉山中村a站 (Cyc093 Station A, Shanzhong Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc094 民雄鄉山中村b站 (Cyc094 Station B, Shanzhong Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc095 民雄鄉金興村a站 (Cyc095 Station A, Jinxing Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc096 民雄鄉金興村b站 (Cyc096 Station B, Jinxing Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc097 民雄鄉東湖村 (Cyc097 Donghu Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc098 民雄鄉中樂村民雄 (Cyc098 Hero From Zhongle Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc099 民雄鄉寮頂村 (Cyc099 Liaoding Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc100 民雄鄉秀林村 (Cyc100 Xiulin Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc101 朴子市永和里福山社區 (Cyc101 Fushan Community, Yonghe, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc102 朴子市新寮里新寮社區 (Cyc102 Xinliao Community, Xinliao District, Puzi City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc103 東石鄉塭港村塭港社區 (Cyc103 Xiangang Community, Xiangang Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc104 東石鄉鰲鼓村四股社區 (Cyc104 Sigu Community, Aogu Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc105 東石鄉西崙村栗仔崙(磚仔窯) (Cyc105 Lizilun (Brick Kiln), Xilun Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc106 東石鄉型厝村 (Cyc106 Dongshixiang Xingcuo Village) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc107 東石鄉龍港村頂厝仔社區 (Cyc107 Dingcuozi Community, Longgang Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc108 東石鄉港墘村 (Cyc108 Gangqian Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc109 東石鄉猿樹村頂寮部落 (Cyc109 Dingliao Tribe, Yuanshu Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc110 東石鄉東石村東石市區 (Cyc110 Dongshi Town, Dongshi Village, Dongshi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc111 布袋鎮菜舖里新吉庄社區 (Cyc111 Xinjizhuang Community, Caipuli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc112 布袋鎮永安里永安社區 (Cyc112 Yongan Community, Yonganli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc113 布袋鎮貴舍里半月社區 (Cyc113 Banyue Community, Guisheli, Budai Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc114 義竹鄉官順村芊子寮社區 (Cyc114 Qianziliao Community, Guanshun Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc115 義竹鄉溪洲村下溪洲社區 (Cyc115 Xizhou Community, Xizhou Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc116 義竹鄉東榮村東後寮 (Cyc116 Donghouliao, Dongrong Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc117 義竹鄉東光村東後寮 (Cyc117 Donghouliao, Dongguang Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc118 義竹鄉平溪村糠榔港社區 (Cyc118 Fanlangang Community, Pingxi Village, Yizhu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc119 太保市安仁里三塊厝社區 (Cyc119 Sankuacuo Community, Anrenli, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc120 太保市安仁里橋子頭社區 (Cyc120 Qiaozitou Community, Anrenli, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc121 太保市埤鄉里埤麻腳社區 (Cyc121 Pi Majiao Community, Pi Township, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc122 太保市港尾里管事厝社區 (Cyc122 Guanshi Community In Gangweili, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc123 太保市港尾里港尾社區 (Cyc123 Gangwei Community, Gangweili, Taibao City) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc124 竹崎鄉鹿滿村鹿滿社區 (Cyc124 Luman Community, Luman Village, Zhuqi Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc125 水上鄉溪洲村溪安宮前 (Cyc125 In Front Of Xi'an Palace, Xizhou Village, Shuishui Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc126 水上鄉大堀村大堀尾社區 (Cyc126 Ohorio Community, Ohori Village, Shuishang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc127 水上鄉內溪村忠孝街(富邦駕訓班) (Cyc127 Zhongxiao Street, Neixi Village, Shuishui Township (Fubon Driving Training Class)) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc128 水上鄉南和村 (Cyc128 Nanhe Village, Shuishui Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc129 新港鄉溪北村溪北社區 (Cyc129 Xibei Community, Xibei Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc130 新港鄉埤子村埤子社區 (Cyc130 Pizi Community, Pizi Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc131 新港鄉海瀛村過港社區 (Cyc131 Guogang Community, Haiying Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc132 新港鄉海瀛村海瀛社區 (Cyc132 Haiying Community, Haiying Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc133 新港鄉西庄村西庄社區 (Cyc133 Xizhuang Community, Xizhuang Village, Xingang Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc134 民雄鄉東榮村好收排水 (Cyc134 Good Water Collection And Drainage In Dongrong Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc135 民雄鄉寮頂村富義新村 (Cyc135 Fuyi New Village, Liaoding Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc136 民雄鄉大崎村 (Cyc136 Daqi Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc137 民雄鄉秀林村十四甲社區 (Cyc137 No. 14 Community, Xiulin Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc138 民雄鄉雙福村雙福社區 (Cyc138 Shuangfu Community, Shuangfu Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc139 民雄鄉中和村社溝社區 (Cyc139 Shegou Community, Zhonghe Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc140 民雄鄉東榮村魚寮社區 (Cyc140 Yuliao Community, Dongrong Village, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc141 民雄鄉文隆村表藝中心 (Cyc141 Wenlong Village Performing Arts Center, Minxiong Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc142 大林鎮西結里菜園社區 (Cyc142 Xijieli Caiyuan Community, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc143 大林鎮排路里排子路社區 (Cyc143 Paizi Road Community, Pailuli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc144 大林鎮中林里樊厝社區 (Cyc144 Fancuo Community, Zhonglinli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc145 鹿草鄉竹山村龜佛山社區 (Cyc145 Guifoshan Community, Zhushan Village, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc146 鹿草鄉鹿草村鹿草市區 (Cyc146 Lucao Village, Lucao Township, Lucao Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc147 中埔鄉隆興村 (Cyc147 Longxing Village, Zhongpu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc148 中埔鄉和興村 (Cyc148 Hexing Village, Zhongpu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc149 溪口鄉本厝村厝子社區 (Cyc149 Cuozi Community, Bencuo Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc150 溪口鄉坪頂村 (Cyc150 Pingding Village, Xikou Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc151 大林鎮明和里民宅前 (Cyc151 In Front Of The Residential House In Mingheli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc152 大林鎮西結里 (Cyc152 Xijieli, Dalin Town) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc153 水上鄉國姓村三界埔 (Cyc153 Sanjiepu, Guoxing Village, Shuishui Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc154 水上鄉幸福牧場 (Cyc154 Shuishui Township Happy Ranch) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Cyc155 中埔鄉和美村永樂新村 (Cyc155 Yongle New Village, Hemei Village, Zhongpu Township) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
C幹線出口 水位 (Main C Outlet Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 冬山河 (Dongshan River) 323.6 cm
Dr0-003-民光東路 -水位 (Dr0-003-Minguang East Road-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 30 cm
Dr0-004-桃林鐵馬橋 -水位 (Dr0-004-Taolin Tiema Bridge-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 8 cm
Dr0-006-龍岡橋 -水位 (Dr0-006-Longgang Bridge-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 新街溪 (Xinjiexi) 11 cm
Dr0-007-福州橋 -水位 (Dr0-007-Fuzhou Bridge-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 新街溪 (Xinjiexi) 47 cm
Dr0-009-永福橋 -水位 (Dr0-009-Yongfu Bridge-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 新街溪 (Xinjiexi) 13 cm
Dr0-010-莒光公園 -水位 (Dr0-010-Juguang Park-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 新街溪 (Xinjiexi) 19 cm
Dr0-011-更寮腳支線 Dr0-008-14a滯洪池-水位 (Dr0-011-Gengliaojiao Branch Line Dr0-008-14a Detention Pond-Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 9 cm
Dr0-120-大華北街 水位 (Dr0-120-Dahua North Street Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 新街溪 (Xinjiexi) 29 cm
Dr0-121-南崁路488巷 水位 (Dr0-121-Lane 488, Nankan Road Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 17 cm
Dr0-122-桃鶯路275巷底 (Dr0-122-At The Bottom Of Lane 275, Taoying Road) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 17 cm
Dr0-303-公滯3滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-303-Public Detention 3 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 85 cm
Dr0-304-公滯4滯洪池 Dr0-304-公滯4池內水位 (Dr0-304-Public Detention 4 Detention Pond Dr0-304-Water Level In Public Detention 4 Pond) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 16 cm
Dr0-305-公滯5滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-305-Public Detention 5 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 190 cm
Dr0-306-公滯6滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-306-Public Detention 6 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 37 cm
Dr0-307-公滯7滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-307-Public Detention 7 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 172 cm
Dr0-308-公滯8滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-308-Public Detention 8 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 136 cm
Dr0-309-公滯9滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-309- Public Detention 9 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 南崁溪 (Nankanxi) 30 cm
Dr0-310-公滯10滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-310-Public Detention 10 Flood Detention Tank Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 103 cm
Dr0-311-公滯11滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-311-Gong Detention No. 11 Flood Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 75 cm
Dr0-312-公滯12滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-312-Public Detention 12 Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 104 cm
Dr0-313-公滯13滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-313-Water Level Of Public Detention 13 Detention Pond) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 64 cm
Dr0-314-公滯14滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-314-Water Level Of Public Detention 14 Detention Pond) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 68 cm
Dr0-315-公滯15滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-315-Public Detention 15 Flood Detention Pond Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 74 cm
Dr0-316-公滯16滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-316-Public Detention 16 Flood Detention Tank Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 118 cm
Dr0-319-公滯19滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-319-Gong Detention 19 Flood Detention Pool Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 114 cm
Dr0-320-文中國小滯洪池 水位 (Dr0-320-Wen China Small Detention Pond Water Level) 水位 (Water Level) 淡水河 (Tamsui River) 153 cm
F01-020仁和街280巷 (F01-020 Lane 280, Renhe Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-021樹仁三街218號 (F01-021 No. 218 Shuren 3rd Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-028 延平路、樹仁二街口 (F01-028 Intersection Of Yanping Road And Shuren 2nd Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-041慈文路永安路口 (F01-041 Ciwen Road Yongan Intersection) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-042經國路莊敬路一段 (F01-042 Section 1, Zhuangjing Road, Jingguo Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-043國際路一段960號 (F01-043 No. 960, Section 1, International Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F01-044同安街839巷2號 (F01-044 No. 2, Lane 839, Tong'an Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F02-008 中華路、自強一路口 (F02-008 Intersection Of Zhonghua Road And Ziqiang 1st Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F02-014 中華路二段367巷 (F02-014 Lane 367, Section 2, Zhonghua Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F02-057環中東路實踐路 (F02-057 Huanzhong Road Shijian Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F02-058三民路一段五興路 (F02-058 Sanmin Road Section 1 Wuxing Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F04-703高上路一段320號 (F04-703 No. 320, Section 1, Gaoshang Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F04-704秀才路175巷口 (F04-704 Lane 175, Xiucai Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F05-702海山路二段62號前 (F05-702 In Front Of No. 62, Section 2, Haishan Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F05-703大有街8號 (F05-703 No. 8, Dayou Street) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F05-704西溪路231巷口 (F05-704 Lane 231, Xixi Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F07-013民生北路370號 (F07-013 No. 370, Minsheng North Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F08-707廣福路1357巷36號 (F08-707 No. 36, Lane 1357, Guangfu Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F09-002 民生路4號 (F09-002 No. 4, Minsheng Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F09-003 民生路、富華街口 (F09-003 Minsheng Road, Fuhua Street Intersection) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F10-003 延平路二段341號 (F10-003 No. 341, Section 2, Yanping Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
F11-702 興福路 (F11-702 Xingfu Road) 淹水深度 (Flooding Depth) 0 cm
Hb01 湖北排水門1號閘門開度 (Hb01 Hubei Drainage Gate No. 1 Gate Opening) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 9600 cm
Hb02 湖北排水門2號閘門開度 (Hb02 Hubei Drainage Gate No. 2 Gate Opening) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 9600 cm
Hb03 湖北排水門3號閘門開度 (Hb03 Hubei Drainage Gate No. 3 Gate Opening) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 9600 cm
Hb04 湖北排水門4號閘門開度 (Hb04 Hubei Drainage Gate No. 4 Gate Opening) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 9600 cm
Hw01 湖北排水門內水位 (Hw01 Water Level In Hubei Drainage Gate) 閘門內水位 (Water Level Inside The Gate) 1167 cm
Hw02 湖北排水門外水位 (Hw02 Water Level Outside Hubei Drainage Gate) 閘門外水位 (Water Level Outside The Gate) 1164 cm
Jd01 茄苳林排水門1號閘門 (Jd01 Qiejuanlin Drainage Gate No. 1 Gate) In % 閘門開度 (Gate Opening) 9600 cm