Trovati 35 livelli idrici aggiornati per 'Diversion'

CANADA - [ ]

Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
At Drop Structure Elbow Diversion Canal 130.2 cm 2.18 m³/s
Near Campbell River Quinsam Diversion 109.9 cm 0.07 m³/s
Near Estevan Boundary Reservoir Diversion Canal 25.4 cm 0 m³/s
Near Portage La Prairie Portage Diversion delayed


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Abv. Lago Guerrero Canal Principal Diversion 48.46 cm 0.37 m³/s
Blw Forebay, Isabela Canal Principal Diversion 158.19 cm 0.76 m³/s


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Alto Alto Reservoir Above Diversion 4.328944 ft
Avenue 9e Pumping Plant City Of Yuma Diversion 15.179 cfs
Boise New York Canal Diversion 3.249168 ft 509.732 cfs
Bridge Creek, Near Bend Diversion 7.558104 ft 11.649 cfs
Dieringer Lake Tapps Diversion 5.888584 ft 19.768 cfs
Grahamsville Neversink Res Diversion Channel 17.65 cfs
Head Near Arco Big Lost Above Inl Diversion delayed
Moreauville Bayou Des Glaises Diversion Ch. 10.467464 ft 1219.615 cfs
Near Aitkin Mississippi Diversion delayed
Near Bend Prowell Springs Diversion Pool, 7.777864 ft
Near Greenwood Greenwood Diversion 0.899704 ft 7.766 cfs
Near Horace Sheyenne Above Sheyenne Diversion 13.9564 ft 60.01 cfs
Near Landsburg Cedar Below Diversion 3.22916 ft 291.931 cfs
Near Palisade Colorado Below Grand Valley Diversion 4.188888 ft 1369.287 cfs
Near Salmon Lemhi Below L5 Diversion delayed
Near Santa Fe Tesuque Creek Above Diversions 5.158784 ft 1.059 cfs
Near Santa Fe Rio Tesuque Below Diversions 0.10004 ft 0.706 cfs
Near Sevier Clear Creek Above Diversions, 3.649 ft 18.356 cfs
Near Sultan Sultan Below Diversion Dam 25.83328 ft 121.785 cfs
Near Wickersham Skookum Creek Above Diversion 1.14964 ft 49.773 cfs
Near Yuma Mcas Diversion Of B Canal 1.23984 ft 0.706 cfs
Nr Redwood Big Sunflower Diversion Canal 73.381144 ft
Nr Somerton Cocopah Diversion From West Main Canal 0.979736 ft 0 cfs
Nr Winter Park Vasquez Diversion 3 0.220088 ft 3.53 cfs
Nr Winter Park Vasquez Diversion 2 0.509712 ft 5.648 cfs
Quincy Town Brook At Diversion Tunnel 16.675848 ft
Schoharie Reservoir Diversion Schoharie Reservoir 4.518856 ft 464.901 cfs
South Of Whitehall Amite Diversion 5.748528 ft 3058.745 cfs
Yuma Municipal Diversion From Yuma Main 36.359 cfs