Wir haben 156 aktuelle Wasserstände für 'Mill' gefunden

CHILE - [ ]

Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Canal Primera Abajo Rio Longavi Entre Rio Bullileo Y Rio Loncomilla (E 30 cm 0.59 m³/s
Melozal Rio Loncomilla Entre Rio Longavi Y Rio Putagan delayed
Rio Loncomilla En Bodega Rio Loncomilla Entre Rio Longavi Y Rio Putagan 241.3 cm 22.05 m³/s
Rio Loncomilla En Las Brisas Rio Loncomilla Entre Rio Putagan Y Rio Maule 238 cm 0.59 m³/s

IRLAND - [ ]

Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Bantry Library Mill River 40.2 cm


KANADA - [ ]

Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
A Bois-Des-Filion Mille Iles Riviere 145.2 cm 298 m³/s
At Kilometre 407 Canol Road South Macmillan River 176.2 cm 126 m³/s
At Nanaimo Millstone River 182.7 cm 8.21 m³/s
At Sydenham Millhaven Creek 12624.2 cm 0.45 m³/s
Near Millhaven Millhaven Creek 229.1 cm 6.56 m³/s
Near Red Wing Mill Creek 610.8 cm 3.22 m³/s
Near The Mouth Mill Creek 63.8 cm 1.5 m³/s


Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Millstatt Millstätter See 118 cm 118 m³/s
Millstatt-Schlucht Millstätter Riegerbach 16 cm 0.15 m³/s

UNGARN - [ ]

Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Feketevárosi 3t Duzzasztó Felvíz Millér-Csatorna 259 cm
Szolnok - Millér Millér-Csatorna 250 cm 0 m³/s

USA - [ ]

Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
- Milliken Reservoir 907.1578 ft
14th St In Greenville Green Mill Run 0.859688 ft
Above Bridgeton Mills Branch 8.01796 ft
Above Lake Whitney Mill 0.3198 ft
Above Marysville Mill Creek 4.88884 ft 14.826 cfs
Above Montrose East Fork Vermillion 1519.690912 ft 5.295 cfs
Above Reading Mill Creek 5.168624 ft 14.12 cfs
Antioch Mill Creek 2.829328 ft 8.825 cfs
Ashley Drive Nr Summerville Sawmill Branch 4.27876 ft
Athol Millers 9.567432 ft
Athol, Mass. Millers 9.487728 ft 1129.6 cfs
Atlas Peak Road Milliken Creek 1.099784 ft
Batavia Mill Creek 2.419328 ft 17.297 cfs
Battenville Battenkill Below Mill 5.848568 ft 1129.6 cfs
Below Montrose East Fork Vermillion 1436.962096 ft 0.353 cfs
Below Upper Tailrace Near Sitka Sawmill Creek 3.189144 ft 73.777 cfs
Blackwells Mills Millstone 2.139544 ft 246.747 cfs
Bunker Hill Mill Creek 1.509456 ft 6.707 cfs
Cagle Mill Mill Creek 8.097992 ft 0 cfs
Cagles Mill Lake Mill Creek 636.116968 ft
Carthage Mill Creek 5.798384 ft 70.6 cfs
Cove Bay Near Onamia 4e Mille Lacs Lake 10.7174 ft
Cr 1903 Nr Fruitvale Mill Ck 11.167088 ft 509.732 cfs
Ds Out. Of Bog, Mars. Mills Marstons Mills 1.35956 ft 2.471 cfs
Duquesne Heights Saw Mill Run 3.588976 ft 8.472 cfs
Erving Millers 4.208896 ft 1579.322 cfs
Evendale Mill Creek 4.878672 ft 43.419 cfs
Five Mile Bridge Mill Creek 6.918176 ft 154.967 cfs
Frankfort Black Vermillion 3.619152 ft 118.961 cfs
Garfield Heights Mill Creek 1.019752 ft 13.767 cfs
Garfield Parkway Mill Creek 1.599656 ft 12.002 cfs
Georgia Shore Rd, Nr St Albans Mill 2.119536 ft 26.828 cfs
Glen Burnie Sawmill Creek 1.909616 ft 3.177 cfs
Griggstown Millstone 3.829072 ft
Johnson Drive, Shawnee Mill C 45.09836 ft 29.299 cfs
Kent Mill Creek At Earthworks Park 46.658 ft 3.53 cfs
Lafayette North Of I-10 Vermillion 6.04832 ft 1789.357 cfs
Lake Thompson Vermillion 1688.037896 ft
Last Chance Rd Br Nr College Place Mill Cr 8.097992 ft 117.902 cfs
Milan Mill Creek 1.759392 ft 14.473 cfs
Millburn East Br Rahway Riv At Millburn Ave 1.65968 ft
Mill Creek Mill Creek 1.099784 ft 8.825 cfs
Millers Creek Reservoir Near Bomarton Millers Creek 1330.869184 ft 31186.844 cfs
Mill Neck Mill Neck Creek 0.229928 ft 8.119 cfs
Millsboro Millsboro Pond Outlet 2.979224 ft 42.007 cfs
Millstone Millstone 1.489776 ft 16.944 cfs
Mouth Of 3mile Creek Near Mill Creek Mill Creek 5.358536 ft 20.121 cfs
Near Avoca Mill Creek 2.81916 ft 248.865 cfs
Near Beaver Marsh Miller Creek 28.602584 ft 10.59 cfs
Near Bellepoint Mill Creek delayed
Near Bellville Mill Creek 2.969384 ft 24.004 cfs
Near Cataract Mill Creek 5.41856 ft 106.959 cfs
Near Chancellor Vermillion 1280.881984 ft 14.826 cfs
Near Coshocton Mill Creek 1.789568 ft 22.945 cfs
Near Crandall Mill Creek 1.56948 ft 12.355 cfs
Near Dalton Mill Creek 4.418816 ft 39.889 cfs
Near Dexter Mill Creek 6.948352 ft 116.843 cfs
Near Dunraven Mill Brook 3.54896 ft 55.774 cfs
Near Emigrant Mill Creek 1.279528 ft
Near Empire Vermillion 3.289184 ft 108.018 cfs
Near Fairfield Mill 1.0496 ft 39.183 cfs
Near Florissant Mill Creek 1.289696 ft 1.059 cfs
Near Friars Point Mill Creek Tributary 163.508 ft 53.656 cfs
Near Greenhills West Fork Mill Creek Reservoir 675.187016 ft
Near Greenville Johnsons Mill Run 6.408464 ft
Near Hamden Mill 1.579648 ft 57.539 cfs
Near Lemont Sawmill Creek 8.677896 ft 8.472 cfs
Near Los Molinas Mill Creek 2.879184 ft 317.7 cfs
Near Marietta Sewell Mill Creek 1.329712 ft 21.886 cfs
Near Mill Creek Mill Creek 6.34844 ft 20.121 cfs
Near Mills River Mills 2.159552 ft 135.905 cfs
Near Moab Mill Creek Below Sheley Tunnel 1.369728 ft 3.53 cfs
Near Moab Mill Creek Below Sheley Tunnel, 1.35956 ft 3.177 cfs
Near Moab, Utah North Fork Mill Creek 9.557592 ft
Near Mozer South Mill Creek 8.987856 ft
Near Nolensville Mill Creek 3.789056 ft 13.767 cfs
Near Ozette Tsoo-Yess Blw Miller Creek 7.108088 ft 478.668 cfs
Near Parker Pkrs2 Vermillion 0.979736 ft 0 cfs
Near Parker Vrps2 Vermillion 4.57888 ft 31.417 cfs
Near Pleasure Ridge Park Mill Creek 2.689272 ft 1.059 cfs
Near Sitka Sawmill Creek 11.746992 ft 89.309 cfs
Near Stephensville Bayou Millhome 1.429752 ft
Near Sulphur Mill Creek 4.748784 ft 0.706 cfs
Near Valley Station Mill Creek 1.069608 ft 0.353 cfs
Near Vanderpool Sabinal Below Mill Creek 0.339808 ft 1.059 cfs
Near Wakonda Vermillion 2.9192 ft 14.12 cfs
Near Walla Walla Mill Creek 13.656608 ft 85.426 cfs
Near Wamego Vermillion Creek 3.309192 ft 56.833 cfs
Near Washburn Miller Creek Rd--Ifc Miller Creek 821.019752 ft
Near Webster Mill Creek 2.719448 ft 14.473 cfs
Near Winchendon Millers 5.788544 ft 308.875 cfs
Northampton Mill 6.828304 ft 166.969 cfs
Nr Anaconda Mill Creek 2.07952 ft 8.825 cfs
Nr Munday Millers Ck 1.55964 ft 0 cfs
Old Mill Creek Mill Creek 6.798128 ft 45.89 cfs
Opportunity Mill Creek 2.249424 ft 2.824 cfs
Orillia Mill Creek Near Mouth 16.595816 ft 17.65 cfs
Paxico Mill Creek (Pxck1) 3.249168 ft 62.834 cfs
Piedra Mill Creek 1.929624 ft 32.829 cfs
Quaker St Near Mottville Mill Creek 4.398808 ft 30.358 cfs
Richlands Mill Swamp 4.188888 ft
Salem Mill Creek (Marion Co., Or) At North Salem High School 5.93844 ft 103.076 cfs
Sharonville Mill Creek At Kemper Road 3.54896 ft
Sharonville Mill Creek At East Sharon Rd 5.608472 ft 33.535 cfs
Sheley Tunnel Near Moab Mill Creek 3.369216 ft 4.589 cfs
Spenner Road Near Sublimity Mill Creek (Marion Co., Or) 3.369216 ft 19.768 cfs
Springfield Accotink Creek At Keene Mill Rd 3.379056 ft 9.884 cfs
Taunton Mill 4.558872 ft 112.96 cfs
Turner Mill Creek (Marion Co., Or) 5.478584 ft
Turner Road Near Salem Mill Creek (Marion Co., Or) 7.368192 ft 238.981 cfs
Tuscaloosa Cribbs Mill Creek At Ww Plant -0.499872 ft 13.061 cfs
Us 421 Williams Old Mill Branch 9.097736 ft
Us Hwy 101 Miller Slough 2.039504 ft 0 cfs
Vermillion Vermillion 2.409488 ft 47.302 cfs
Verona Badger Mill Creek 4.318776 ft 12.002 cfs
Walla Walla Mill Creek 2.359304 ft 130.963 cfs
Washington Mill Creek (Wshk1) 1.339552 ft 1.412 cfs
Weston Millstone 2.149384 ft
Woodbine Mill Creek 2.839168 ft 52.244 cfs